The Best About Being Vintage

Our life, comparatively speaking, is Vintage.  If people were called Vintage, then Jimmy and I would certainly fit the bill and are experiencing some of the best years of our lives.  (Vintage meaning 50 to 99 years old (not “new vintage”)).

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Boomerality reported how an extensive study in the U.S.A found that the most productive age in human life is between 60-70 years of age and that the 2nd. most productive stage of the human being is from 70 to 80 years of age.  The article is entitled, Great News! At Age 60 You Reach the Top of Your Potential and This Continues into Your Eighties" (11/09/2021). According to Boomerality, "this tells us in a way that it has been determined, that the best years of your life are between 60 and 80 years." The article reported that a study published in the NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE found that at age 60, you reach the TOP of your potential and this continues into your 80s. Therefore, if you are between 60-70 or 70-80 you are in the BEST and 2nd. level of your life.

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I recently retired and will shortly be eligible for Medicare and find myself growing a small business, revamping our website, engaging on social media, creating videos, and hopefully providing valuable content. 

One of the most challenging obstacles for me personally is recording a video. That's when the fear factor hits with self-doubt and self-consciousness. So, we try to record in one take and it is working. Is it the best?  For now, YES, because we keep our focus - Hit Record, Upload & Publish.

Fear Takes Away Your Focus & Shows False Perceptions

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Jimmy and I want to thank you for being so kind and encouraging. May we be the same to you because it has been determined by the U.S.A. that we are only in the second half of our good life. LOL!

Morning Dewdrops in “The Art of Doing” inspires everyone to create no matter their age or passion.


Written by

Terri Stephens © February 2022

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Boomerality At Age 60s-80s

SOURCE: N.Engl.J .Med. 70,389 (2018) .



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